Dr. Angelos Marnerides
- 3:14PM Aug 21, 2018
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Dr. Angelos K. Marnerides is Assistant Professor in Computer Networking in the School of Computing & Communications (SCC) at Lancaster University, UK. Prior to his current post, he was a Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in the department of Computer Science at Liverpool John Moores University, UK. In the past, he held postdoctoral appointments in the ECE department at Carnegie Mellon University, USA, in DCC at the University of Porto, Portugal and in SCC at Lancaster University, UK. He also held visiting researcher appointments in the SCC, Lancaster University, UK, and the EE department at University College London (UCL), UK. Dr. Marnerides has extensive research experience in the area of network resilience with particular interests in network security and smart-grid security. His research philosophy is in designing algorithms and systems with strong theoretical foundations and in providing practical data-driven implementations that are deployable in the real world. His research has been funded by several bodies in the UK (EPSRC, Innovate UK, GCHQ), the EU (FP6, FP7, H2020), the US (NSF) and Portugal (FCT).
Within EASY-Res Dr. Marnerides will be working in all WP4 activities and concentrate on E2E security and resilience for the EASY-RES communication infrastructure.