Dr. Andreas Mauthe
- 12:55PM Aug 21, 2018
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Dr. A. Mauthe is Reader in Networked Systems, and Associate Dean for External Engagement and Internationalisation at the Faculty of Science and Technology at Lancaster. Andreass focuses his research on network management, and autonomic and resilient systems, alongside content networking and adaptive networks. He has been with Lancaster University since 2005; previous to that he worked in industry in the area of content management systems, where he led a group of more than 25 developers and software engineers. Within the project he will contribute through his expertise in ICT based systems architecture and resilience, which is central to the work in WP4. He will be leading Task 4.2 and contribute to structural resilience aspects of Task 4.1 the data processing and visualisation aspects of Task 4.3. Andreas played a leading role in more than 25 networking and systems projects in academia and industry (of which 10 were EU funded). He has collaborated internationally with partners across Europe and overseas, (co-)authored more than 150 peer-reviewed papers, and contributed to a number of research initiatives and standards.